Mimcss Guide: Constructable Stylesheets
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Constructable Stylesheets

Constructable stylesheets is a new technology, which is currently only supported by Chrome (see here). It allows programmatically creating a stylesheet (a CSSStyleSheet object) once and sharing it between multiple ShadowRoot elements. It is mostly useful for custom Web elements because globally defined styles don’t apply to elements under the Shadow DOM. Without constructable stylesheets, a new <style> element would have to be created for every instance of a custom Web element, which is obviously wasteful. With constructable stylesheets, the CSSStyleSheet object is created once and then is set as a member of the array to the adoptedStyleSheets property, which is available on every ShadowRoot and Document elements. The latter allows sharing the same stylesheet between the document and the custom Web elements.

Mimcss supports constructable stylesheets by establishing an adoption context linked to a given Document or ShadowRoot object before the activate function call. The context is established using the pushAdoptionContext function and is removed using the popAdoptionContext function. If an adoption context is active when the activate function is called, Mimcss will create an instance of the style definition class, serialize it to a CSSStyleSheet instance and adopt it to the Document or ShadowRoot element whose adoption context is currently active. If the activate function is called again with the same style definition class but the adoption context for a different root parameter, Mimcss will adopt the existing CSSStyleSheet instance to the new root object.

In the browsers that don’t support constructable stylesheets yet, Mimcss will instead create <style> elements under the given Document.head or ShadowRoot element so that developers don’t need to worry whether the browsers support constructable stylesheets or not. Note that in order to do that, Mimcss creates some internal resources. These resources can only be cleaned up if the first call to pushAdoptionContext is done NOT in the constructor. The proper place to call it is in the connectedCallback method.

As an example, let’s have a simple custom Web element:

class MyCustomElementStyles extends css.StyleDefinition
    red = this.$class({ backgroundColor: "red" })

class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement
        this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});

        // establish adoption context
        css.pushAdoptionContext( this.shadowRoot);
        this.styles = css.activate( MyCustomElementStyles);
        // remove adoption context
        css.popAdoptionContext( this.shadowRoot);

        // create some content
        let div = document.createElement( "div");
        this.shadowRoot.appendChild( div);
        div.className = this.styles.red.name;
        let text = document.createTextNode("Hello!");

        // establish adoption context
        css.pushAdoptionContext( this.shadowRoot);
        css.deactivate( this.styles);
        // remove adoption context
        css.popAdoptionContext( this.shadowRoot);

    private styles: MyCustomElementStyles;

customElements.define( "my-custom-element", MyCustomElement);

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